What is a Section 504 plan?

My child’s teacher contacted me with concerns

It is possible that your child’s teacher will contact you before you realize there is a concern. Breath. Get into a positive mindset. Think about how you can work with your child’s teacher to reduce anxiety episodes.

School days are filled with mostly structured time and time limits on task completion.  If you look back at some of the anxiety triggers discussed previously, you may be able to identify the types of school activities that may elevate your child’s anxiety.

If possible, wait until you have spoken to your child’s teacher before sharing that you received a call. Just the mention of the teacher calling may elevate your child’s anxiety.

How to work with your child’s teachers

Listen to what your child’s teacher has to say. If your child has a diagnosis from a medical professional, share that information with your child’s teacher. If your child’s “coach”* believes that your child’s anxiety limits one or more life functions, you may want to initiate a team meeting with your child’s teacher and other staff. By doing so, you are triggering an official request to convene a “Section 504 team meeting.”

*We use the term “coach” instead of therapist to avoid negative perceptions or labeling.

What you can do to inform your child’s school about your child’s accommodation needs?

It is advisable to speak with your child’s teacher either before the start of the school year or when the you feel your child’s needs are no longer being met in the classroom or in unstructured spaces at school such as moving through the halls, cafeteria and recess.

Then what?

Ask your child’s school to schedule a meeting to discuss your child’s needs. Sharing diagnostic reports from a doctor or other healthcare provider with the school’s Section 504 team can assist them in determining whether a Section 504 Plan is needed for your child to fully access school programs at the same level as other children. Particularly helpful are any accommodations that are known to be of assistance to your child.

What is a Section 504 Plan?

If the school determines that your child has an impairment that prevents them from fully accessing school programs, an accommodation plan will be created. Your child can be part of this conversation if you feel it will support the creation of a more effective plan. [Note: Children of middle school age and above may be asked to attend.] Keep in mind that including your child in this conversation may cause unnecessary anxiety and therefore you may decide to ask for their input in advance and simply update them after the meeting. Once the 504 plan is agreed, your child’s teachers will follow the plan going forward. At minimum, an annual touch-base meeting will likely be scheduled by the school to ensure the plan continues to work effectively for your child.

Stacey Tank